Hesitation # LOTD 20 #

     # LOTD 20 #  RAMS WEAR - Dora Dress


✿ head: Lelutka - Lily

✿ skin: Velour - Vitoria

✿ shape: my own

✿ hair:  Monso - Mabel 

✿ tattoo: One 2K - Lonely Soul

✿ outfit: RAMS WEAR - Dora Dress - Thank you

✿ earrings : Kibitz -Razor earrings

✿ choker: AVEC TOI - Reckless Choker

✿ watch: MIDNA - Zara Watch 

✿ bracelet: [Z O O M] - Celine bracelet 

Librairies and litterature have always been a great source of inspiration for me. Story of O, Hurt me, The link, The student .... don't know which one to pick. Erotic hesitation. Is'nt here any magic to guide me ?

These amazing dress is available at RAMS WEAR main store and on the Market PlaceYou can make your own designs, combining the textures of the body and the ruffle, which is great.

Taken at my friend Noshi City Block. Noshi is running a photo challenge at her place (check her Flicker). I'm so happy to be invited to shoot here. Thank you Noshi.


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