Under Cover # LOTD 23 #

                      # LOTD 23 # RYL bikini @Hastag Event 


✿ head: Lelutka - Lily

✿ skin: Velour - Vitoria

✿ shape: my own

✿ hair:  Monso - Liv

✿ eyeshadow: APOTHIC - Sucrose

✿ bikini: RYL - Colorato bikini III set - Thank you for sponsoring 

✿ earrings : Kibitz -Razor earrings

✿ belly piercing: Ysoral -Luxe Belly Piercing Izis

✿ watch: MIDNA - Zara Watch 

✿ bracelet: [Z O O M] - Celine bracelet 

✿ Glasses: Moncada Paris -  

Hi lovvelies ! Here is the 5th Design for this Bikini. That means with all huds we have 5x5 possible Design Combinations. Fully new is the Bracelet (not shown).

This tiny tiny tiny bikini  from RYL is available at Hashtag Event until the 30th of August. Please Check it out !

Shot at Kiki beach


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