Berenice Haven... # LOTD 183 #

# LOTD 183 # Meva - Dahlia earrings and necklace @Access


✿ earrings and necklace: Meva - Dalhia set *sponsored *

✿ Top: ADD - Karen * sponsored *

✿ head: Lelutka - Lilly

✿ skin: Not Found -Joy skin toffee EvoX

✿ body skin: [theSkinnery] - Bom Body Slim Round Toffee 

✿ shape: my own for Legacy 

✿ hair style: Truth - Eclipse *VIP group gift *

Beautiful jewellery set from Meva I wanted to portrait. Look at the amazing  details you can craft to your desire with the hud. Each perl, each chain, each piece of the jewellery can be configured to your taste to end up with your unique jewel. Follow this link to see the hud and the set in daylight..

You will find the Dalhia set  at the @Access event or in Meva Main store after it ends.

Shot in studio



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